B 1 2 PLU S

0 3873
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Very Good
5 years ago

Vitamin B12 Vitamin B1 Vitamin B3 Vitamin E Folic Asid Vitamin C

The principle capacity of nutrient B12 is: 

red platelet creation and security of the focal 

sensory system. 

Absence of nutrient B12 can cause side effects, for example, 

frailty, loss of equalization, deadness in the legs and 

lines, shivering, shortcoming 

Nutrient B1 

Assumes a functioning job in the execution of numerous essential capacities in cerebrum and the sensory system. 

Essential for the stomach related framework. Additionally fundamental for the 

sound development of platelets and circulatory framework. 

Secures the heart and muscles 

Nutrient B3 

Procedures the fat admission from nourishments 

Essential for body's vitality creation 

Secures skin tissue 

Helps decreasing the weariness and depletion 

Nutrient E 

Has cell reinforcement properties 

Fortifies the blood dissemination 

Useful for both hair and skin wellbeing 

Has hostile to maturing properties 

Gives cell-reestablishment 

Equalizations the safe framework 



Nutrient C 

Assumes compelling job in the assurance of generally speaking wellbeing 

Improves the insusceptible framework 


What is Folic Acid? 

Folic corrosive, an individual from the nutrient B family, is a nutrient having 

a significant job in DNA combination and cell division forms. 

Otherwise called folates or nutrient B9. 

Folic corrosive assumes a job in significant organic procedures in the 

body, for example, blood creation, new cell development, and DNA 


The proposed folic corrosive supplementation in pregnancy, even 

prior to pregnancy, is believed to be significant for the mother to 

have a solid pregnancy and forestall issues that may emerge 

in the improvement of the infant 

B12 Plus coordinates its rich nutrient B content into the body by means of 

Transdermal Technology, the best strategy after infusion. 

Along these lines, nutrient B, which has a fragile structure, are coordinated into 

the body without misfortune. 

B1: 80% obliterated when cooked (begins at 40°C) 

B6: half obliterated when cooked 

Folic Acid: 100% obliterated when cooked 

98% of individuals have less Folic Acid as hardly any (WHO). 

B12: It possibly works 100% if there is adequate Folic Acid in the 


B3: if there should arise an occurrence of its lack, sugars transform into fatty substances

b12 نقص
b12 حبوب
b12 متجر
b12 تحليل
b12 النهدي
b12 مصادر
b12 الطبيعي
b12 يفتح الشهيه
b12 يوجد في
b12 يزيد الوزن
b12 يوجد
b12 وين موجود
b12 والشيب
b12 والشعر
b12 وتساقط الشعر
b12 ويكيبيديا
b12 والاعصاب
b12 والنوم
b12 وحب الشباب
b12 هل يزيد الوزن
b12 هو
هرمون b12
هل b12 يفتح الشهية
هيمو b12
هل b12 يسبب السمنة
هل b12 هو الحديد
هل b12 يؤثر على الجنين

Shipping Cost Free Shipping
Shipping Time Ready to ship in 4-7 Business Days
Location erenkoy 34738, Istanbul, Turkey

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