Keyword Exclude Google Ads

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2 years ago

Google's keyword game model ensures that the money you spend on Google Ad campaigns is well spent, ensuring that you don't waste money attracting unqualified traffic that you can't deal with.
Read on to learn more about the different types of keyword games for PPC advertising, the types of traffic they drive, and how to use them. Free Guide, Templates and Organizer: How to Use Google Ads for Business 
Type Match topic 
There are four different types of keyword matches for Google Ads: broad match, keyword match, fair match and foul match. The image below shows the syntax for using each type, the query your ad will appear for each, and the search terms that will cause your ad to appear. theme games 
Below, we'll dive into each category and share some facts about how each one appears in search results.
1. A wide range of games 
Keyword broad matches appear when your ad appears in search results for queries related to the meaning of your keyword, but doesn't have a specific term. This is the default form for Google Ads and works best with Smart Bidding. Syntax is the key to writing your article.
If your topic is iphone cases, your ad can appear in searches for apple phones and best iphone for kids, and phone cases. Broad topic matches help you reach a large audience, but your visitors aren't converting because the terms they're searching for are related to your topic. However, to ensure that the traffic is relevant, Google will also consider the user's search activity, your landing page content, and other keywords in your ad. 2. Match the sentences 
Keywords make your ad appear on queries that have the same meaning as your keyword or specific keyword type. Words can be added before or after your topic, but not in between. The syntax is to put quotation marks around your target word, like "headword". 
If your keyword phrase is "iphone case", you can appear in the query buy iphone case, blue iphone case, sell iphone case. Using match phrases puts your ad in front of a smaller audience, but they appear in searches that include what your ad is about, so the audience is more defined. Note that the modified wide game has been discontinued in 2021 and its parameters have been added to the game criteria. Broad game or word game 
The main difference between a broad match and a targeted phrase is that the phrase reaches a small audience, but the traffic is high enough for what you are offering, while the broad match and -reach a wide audience, but those who are looking for something, not necessarily what you are selling. . So if your search term is iPhone and you use a broad category, your ad will appear if a user searches for iPhone cases, Apple phones, or iPhone 11 cases, but if that you use relevant phrases, your ad will only show. for the iPhone case. .
The table shows the difference between broad play and fair play 
3. Exactly the game 
Precise match is different from broad match, your ad will only show in question for one meaning or purpose of your topic. This can include singular or plural forms, abbreviations, acronyms and accents. With this model, you will get more sophisticated visitors to your site, but you will get less opportunities. The syntax is to enclose your keyword in square brackets, so [word]. If your keyword is [iPhone cases], your ad will appear in questions about iPhone cases, iPhone cases, and iPhone cases.
4. The game theme is not good 
Negative keywords are used to filter your ads and specific queries to help you target the right users. Your ad will show for relevant words, but not for the exact words you wrote. The game theme is not good 
There are three different types of negative keywords: broad match exclusion, phrase exclusion, and fair match exclusion. We will discuss this below. 1. Bad wide game 
Broad negative play is the default negative theme. Your ad will not appear if the query contains all of the terms you selected, regardless of format. The syntax is just write your topic. Google uses the keyword running shoes as an example and shows that your ad will show in the query for tennis shoes and blue shoes, but it will not show for shoes in -blue, running shoes or running shoes.
2. Bad Word Game 
Negative keywords will not cause your ad to appear in queries that contain the exact keywords you specified in the same order. If the query includes keywords, your ad won't show if the keyword is the same as the keyword you entered. Syntax is writing your main point in quotation marks.
If your keyword is "running shoes", your ad will appear in searches for blue tennis shoes, running shoes, and running shoes, but not show for the blue running shoes. 3. Bad sports 
A bad match will exclude your ad from queries that contain your keywords exactly in the order you entered, without any additional words. Na syntaxe

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